حمل المصحف

حمل المصحف


الجمعة، 12 مايو 2017

ازمنة اللغة الانجليزية

The present simpleالمضارع البسيط

(1) التكوين Formation: -

? يتكون من التصريف الأول للفعل مع I – they – you – we والجمع
I play - they play

? و يضاف للفعل ( S ) مع he – she – it و المفرد

He plays - she plays

? يضاف للفعل ( es ) بدلا من ( S ) إذا انتهى بأحد الحروف الآتية(s-ss-sh-ch-o-x)

Watch he watches.
Go he goes.

(2) الاستخدام Usage: -

? يعبر المضارع البسيط عن حقيقة عامة أو عادة متكررة .

- I go to school every day.

- The sun rises in the morning.

(3) الكلمات الدالة : key words

every كل nowadays هذه الأيام

sometimes أحياناً often غالباً

usually عادة always دائماً

generally عموما

never أبدا rarely نادراً

(4) وينفى المضارع البسيط كالآتى :-

1- إذا كان الفعل به S – es فنضع " المصدر doesn’t " بدل الفعل .

- He washes the car. -He doesn’t wash the car.

2- وإذا كان الفعل بدون S فنضع " المصدر + don’t " بدل الفعل .

- They watch TV. - They don’t watch TV.

(5) الاستفهام :

- Do you cook your food?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

- Does she wash her dress?

Yes, she does.

No, she doesn’t.
The Present Continuousالمضارع المستمر

(1) التكوين formation: -

am is + v-ing


Ex: - The girl isn't singing now.

! يعبر عن حدث مخطط له في المستقبل.

Ex: - I am traveling to England next week.

- لاحظ هذه التركيبة من منهج الصف الثانى الاعدادى :

There + is / are + فاعل + v. + ing.

Ex: - There is a girl watering the flowers..

- لاحظ أن هذه الأفعال لا تأتى فى زمن المضارع المستمر، لكن فى المضارع البسيط:

- like – dislike – love – hate – want – know – prefer

understand – hear.

Ex: - Mona wants to leave now.

@ He is playing.

@ They are eating.

(2) الاستخدام Usage: -

? يدل هذا الزمن على حدث يحدث الآن و مستمر فى الحدوث.

@ I’m speaking now.

(3) الكلمات الدالة key words: -


At present حاليا

At this moment فى هذه اللحظة

? ملحوظة: إذا كان الفعل منتهيا بـــ ( e ) نحذف الأخير عند إضافية ( ing )

ride riding come coming

? هناك أفعال يضاعف الحرف الأخير عند إضافة ( ing )

put putting sit sitting

? ملحوظة: إنه هناك أفعال لا نستخدم فى زمن المضارع المستمر و تسمى أفعال الشعور و الإحساس.

like forget understand see want
mean believe know

? و ينفى هذا الزمن بإضافة ( not ) إلى الفعل المساعد.

@ He is not coming now. (isn’t)

روابط تبين التناقض But / However / Although

· But - و لكنThe joke was funny, but we didn’t laugh.

· However مع أن - He is an old man. However he walks for an hour every day.

· Although بالرغم من- Although I was tired, I couldn't go to sleep.

The Past Simple زمن الماضي البسيط

? التكوين Formation: -
يتكون من التصريف الثانى للفعل بإضافة d – ed للأفعال العادية:

visit يزور visited

like يحب liked

و لو كان الفعل شاذ فيحفظ تصريفه الثانى:

go يذهب went

see يرى saw

? الاستخدام Usage: -

يعبر عن فعل حدث فى الماضى:

- He went to Cairo yesterday.

- They played football last week.

? الكلمات الدالة علية

yesterday أمس once ذات مرة ago منذ

last الماضى in the past فى الماضى in 1999

وينفى هذا الزمن بوضع " المصدر + didn’t "

- He visited me yesterday.

- He didn’t visit me yesterday.

The Past Continuous زمن الماضي المستمر

? التكوين Formation: -

was + V - ing


? الاستخدام Usage: -

يعبر عن حدث كان مستمرا في وقت معين فى الماضي.

· He was reading at seven o’clock yesterday.

و يعبر عن حدث كان مستمرا فى الماضي حينما قطعة حدث آخر و غالبا ما يستخدم فى هذه الحالة معWhile, as, when

· While (As –just as) بينما----- ماضي مستمر ----- ماضى بسيط

· While he was eating his father came.

· When عندما ----- ماضي بسيط ----- ماضي مستمر

ماضي مستمر ------ when ------- ماضي بسيط

· He was eating when his father came.

During + ing / إسم ……………, ماضى بسيط

During studying, the light went out

المصدر بدون I'd rather+ to

-I'd rather play football

ماضى بسيط+فاعلI'd rather +

-I'd rather you went to bed

-I'd rather you didn't waste your time

والسؤال كما يلى

-Would you rather drink tea or orange juice?

-I'd rather drink water.

المضارع التام The Present Perfect

التكوين : Formation

+ pp Has أو have

الاستخدام : Usage

يستخدم للتعبير عن فعل تم فى الماضى ولكن له آثر فى الحاضر .

Ali has ironed the shirts.

ويستخدم للتعبير عن حدث بدأ فى الماضى ومازال مستمراً حتى الآن .

I have lived in Cairo for thirty years.

الكلمات الدالة : Key words



up to now



فعلاً / تماماً


حتى الآن / بعد




قط / من قبل







so far

حتى الآن

تستخدم عند حدوث شئ ما منذ وقت قصير Just

- He has just arrived.

تستخدم عند تمام حدوث شئ ما already

- He has already finished his HW.

توضع فى نهاية الجملة المنفية أو الاستفهامية Yet

- Ali hasn’t come yet.

- - Ha Ali come yet.

تستخدم فى السؤالEver

- Have you ever seen a lion?

تستخدم فى الإجابة بالنفى Never

- No, I have never seen a lion.

since / for / ago

يأتى بعدها بداية مدة زمنية بمعنى " منذ " Since

Monday يوم April - شهر 1999 - عام -

last week - yesterday - 2 o’clock - Then

-He has lived in Egypt since 1999.

يأتى بعدها عدد أو فترة زمنية بمعنى " لمدة"For

- 2 days - a week

- a year - 3 years

the last ten years. - - a long time.

She has lived in Helwan for three years.

يأتى قبلها عدد أو فترة زمنية وتأتى فى آخر جملة الماضى البسيط ago

I visited him a week ago.

ملحوظة : يأتى أحيانا المضارع التام بدون كلمات دالة عليه .

They have visited the castle.

I have finished my work.
The Present Perfect Continuous زمن المضارع التام المستمر

¯ Form التكوين


+ been + v. ing


¯ Usage الاستخدام

-يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث بدأ في الماضي و مستمر لفترة من الوقت و ما زال مستمرا حتى الآن.

- It has been raining all night.

-و يستخدم عندما يشير إلى حدث بدأ في الماضي و لكن تأثيره مستمر الآن أو له تأثير فى الوقت الحاضر.

- I’m tired because I’ve been working all day.

¯ لاحـــظ: أنه ليس هناك فرق أحيانا بين زمن المضارع التام و زمن المضارع التام المستمر ولكن يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر لبيان المدة و الاستغراق الأطول للفعل.

- I have been waiting you for two hours.

¯ Since يأتى بعدها بداية مدة زمنية بمعنى " منذ " مثل Monday يوم - April شهر - 1999 عام

last week - yesterday - 2 o’clock - Then منذ ذلك الحين

-He has been living in Egypt since 1999.

¯ For يأتى بعدها عدد أو فترة زمنية بمعنى " لمدة" - 2 days - a week

- a year - 3 years

-the last ten years. - a long time.

-She has been living in Helwan for three years.

المستقبل مع am/is /are +going to

الاستعمال Usage -

1- عند التحدث عن (النية والخطط) 1) Intentions and plans .

- Nadia is going to cook food .

2) Future action or events that are about to happen.

2- عندما نتحدث عن حركات أو أحداث على وشك أن تحدث . - It's going to rain

{ and – but – so -because}

And و

- He went to Cairo and bought a shirt.

But لكن

- He is rich, but he is unhappy.

So لذلك

- It’s raining so I am not going out.

Because لأن

- He did not go to school because he was ill.

روابط تبين التناقض

Although / despite / However

الجملة الثانية + فعل + فاعل +Although

Although he lives in Cairo, he doesn't take the metro.

اسم/ Despite + v + ing

Despite living in Cairo, he doesn't take the metro.

فعل + فاعل + However الجملة الأولى

He lives in Cairo. However he doesn't take the metro

the Future Simple

يستخدم هذا الزمن للتعبير عن شيء يحدث في المستقبل-with ''will'' and ''going to''

المستقبل معWill

1-عند اتخاذ القرارات السريعة . 1)Quick decisions

- I will go to the cinema tonight .

2)predictions about what will happen in the future .

2- عند التنبؤ بما سوف يحدث في المستقبل .

- Tomorrow, it will be very cold .

3- عند إعطاء( وعد). 3) Promises

- I will finish it next week .

4-عند عمل (ترتيبات). 4) Making arrangements .

- I will meet him in the party .

5- عند التعبير عن (حقائق) 5)Facts.

-Ali will be 15 next month .

6-عند تقديم (عطاء). 6) Offers

-I will do it for you .

7- عند (التهديد) . 7)Threats.

- I will go to the police if you do it again .

المستقبل مع am/is /are +going to

1- عند التحدث عن (النية والخطط) 1) Intentions and plans .

- Nadia is going to cook food .

2) Future action or events that are about to happen.

2- عندما نتحدث عن حركات أو أحداث على وشك أن تحدث. - It's going to rain .

المستقبل مع المضارع المستمر.

يتكون من: am

ing + مصدر الفعل + is


الاستعمال: يستعمل هذا الزمن للتحدث عن أفعال في المستقبل والتي قد تم التخطيط لها He is flying to London tomorrow

. تعود على Used to

- فعل يفيد التعبير عن عادة في الماضي .

- يأتي بعد (to) المصدر Infinitive .

1- When I was young, I used to play in the street . now I play in club.

2- When mother was young, she used to go to school . now she doesn't

- فى حالة النفى نقول (didn't use to):

1- He didn't use to go to the cinema .

2- She didn't use to cook in the kitchen.

- فى حالة السؤال نقول (did … use to).

1- What did he use to do when he was young ?

الجملة الثانية + فعل + فاعل +Although

Although he lives in Cairo, he doesn't take the metro.-

الجلة الثانية+ اسم/ Despite + v + ing=In spite of

-Despite living in Cairo, he doesn't take the metro.

In spite of living in Cairo, he doesn't take the metro.-

الزمن الماضي التام

¯ التكوين: يتكون من

Had + P. P التصريف الثالث للفعل

الاستخدام: يستخدم الماضي التام للتعبير عن فعل حدث قبل آخر في الماضي و يستخدم مع إحدى الكلمات الآتي:

When عندما By the time قبل = Before

As soon as بمجرد After بعد

When / By the time + ماضي بسيط ----- ماضي تام

-When عندما ----- ماضي بسيط ----- ماضي تام

When he arrived at the station, the train had left.

-Before ----- ماضي بسيط ----- ماضي تام

Before you came. I had finished the exercise

Before + V- ing , ماضى تام

Before arriving, we had eaten.

ماضي تام Till / until مصدرdidn’t +

لاحظ انها لا تأتي الا في منتصف الجمله

-By the time قبل ----- Past simple ----- had + P. P

By the time we arrived, the bus had left.

After / as soon as ----- ماضى تام----- ماضى بسيط

-After بعد ----- had + P. P----- Past simple ( ماضى بسيط )

After I had finished my homework, I watched TV.

-As soon as بمجرد أن ----- had + P. P----- Past simple.

As soon as she had finished her work, she went to bed.

¯ فى هذه الجملة يعنى أنه وصل للمحطة و لحق القطار قبل أن يغادر المحطة.

¯ ملحوظة: يمكن استخدام أدوات الرابط الدالة على الزمن after, before مع verb+ing دون استخدام الفاعل و تتحول الجملة إلى شبه جملة.

After he had finished his work, he went home.

After finishing his work, he went home.




Conditionals (If … … ) الجمل الشرطية

ملحوظة: ثلاثة أنواع للجمل الشرطية سنتعرض لها فى هذا الدرس و هي.

¯ أولا: الجمل الشرطية من نوع الصفر:

if [ Zero conditional 0]

و نستخدم هذا الشرط عند التحدث عن الحقيقة.

مضارع بسيط مضارع بسيط

IF + Present Simple Present Simple

-If you cool water, it turns into ice.

-If you heat water, it turns into water vapor.

¯ ثانيا: النوع الأول للجملة الشرطية: If (First conditional 1)

-و يستخدم فى حالة التنبؤ عن المستقبل. و كذلك عند إعطاء وعد.

-يكون فعل الشرط مضارعا و جواب الشرط في المستقبل البسيط.

مستقبل بسيط مضارع بسيط

IF + Present Simple Future (Will + المصدر(
Examples: -

-If he runs fast, he will catch the train.

-If they work hard, they will succeed.

-We will stay at home, if it rains tomorrow.

¯ Note:

Unless إذا لم = If + Not

و تنطبق عليها نفس القواعد الخاصة بـــ ( I f )

-If I don’t study hard, I won’t pass the exam.

-Unless I study hard, I won’t pass the exam.

-If you didn’t go out, I would visit you.

-Unless you went out, I would visit you.

¯ ثالثا: الحالة الثانية: If (second conditional 2)

يستخدم للتحدث عن شئ غير محتمل الحدوث و كذلك عند إعطاء نصيحة.

ماضى بسيط

IF + Past Simple Would + المصدر
Examples: -

-If he had a lot of money, he would buy a house.

-If I saw Mona, I would give her the book

ý -If I were …………………….تستخدم للحديث عن مواقف خيالية

-If I were a bird, I would fly.

Giving advice إسداء النصح

-Should + المصدر يجب

You should eat a lot of fruit.

-Shouldn’t + المصدر لا يجب

You shouldn’t smoke.

-If I were you … لو كنت مكانك

-If I were you I would go to the doctor.

-If I were you I wouldn’t smoke.

الحالة الثالثة IF

يستخدم النوع الثالث الشرطي للتحدث عن أشياء مستحيلة أن تحدث و لن تحدث لأن زمن حدوثها مضى و أنتهي.

¯ التكوين:

If + past perfect would have + past participle

-If I had met my uncle, I would have got a present.

-If I had listened to his advice, I wouldn’t have faile

ملاحظات لغوية

- come from + اسم بلد ينتمى إلى

I come from Egypt.

- by + وسيلة المواصات

She went to the conference by car.

- would like to + مصدر يريد أن

I would like to have some tea.

- hope to + مصدر يتمنى أن

I hope to see you again.

- want to + مصدر يريد أن

Do you want to play computer games with me?

- ask about يسأل عن

- do homework يعمل الواجب

- learn about يتعلم عن

- during + اسم أثناء

Samaa was so tired that she slept during the film.

- at + مكان

at a hotel at a hospital at university

- in 5 minutes بعد خمس دقائق

- send the car over يرسل السيارة إلى مكان

- reason for سبب لـ

What is the best reason for learning English?

- Interested in + اسم or v. + ing. مهتم بـ

Marwa is interested in learning Spanish أسبانى.

- help + شخص + with + شئ يساعد فى

She helps me with my job.

- talk to + شخص يتحدث إلى

Ali is talking to his brother now.

- speak + لغة or speak in + لغة

She can speak Italian.

He can speak four languages.

- busy + v. + ing مشغول ب

Nada is busy doing her homework.

- afraid of خائف من

He is afraid of the dog.

- communicate with يتواصل مع He needs English to communicate with English


- communicate in English يتواصل بالأنجليزية

- go to the university يلتحق بالجامعة

- travel overseas يسافر للخارج

- That's why = so لذلك

- need to = should ينبغى أن
- to + مصدر لكى

We go to school to learn.

- to +مكان إلى

I went to the park yesterday.

- Although = Though بالرغم من

Although he is rich, he is sad.

- However مع ذلك he is rich. However, he is sad.

- enjoy + v. + ing /or اسم يستمتع بـ

Mona enjoys learning French.

- work with يعمل مع

- listen to music يستمع إلى الموسيقى

- listen for the main ideas يستمع من أجل الأفكار الرئيسية

- on the computer / internet على الكمبيوتر / الانترنت

- information معلومات ( تعامل معاملة المفرد )

The information I got was very important.

- المبنى للمجهول فى المضارع :

1- نجعل المفعول فاعلاً. 2- نأتى بـ am – is – are

3- نأتى بالتصريف الثالث للفعل.

- Most people speak English.

English is spoken by most people.

- They play football every Friday.

Football is played every Friday.

feel happy

يشعر بالسعادة

feel ill

يشعر بالتعب

feel tired

يشعر بالتعب

feel sad

يشعر بالحزن

feel thirsty

يشعر بالعطش

feel cold

يشعر بالبرد

- do a brave thing يقوم بعمل شجاع

Walid did a very brave thing in 1990.

- how to swim كيف يسبح

The coach taught Walid how to swim.

- in an accident فى حادث

Walid lost his arm in an accident.

- have an accident يحدث له حادث

Ali had an accident when he fell under the bus.

- help with يساعد فى

Mona helps her mother with the housework.

- because + فاعل + فعل لأن

He went to hospital because he felt ill.

- because of + اسم / v. + ing بسبب

He went to hospital because of feeling ill.

- by car بالسيارة

- in a car فى سيارة

- catch ( someone ) by ar

want to + مصدر الفعل يريد أن

- decide to + مصدر الفعل يقرر أن

They decided to play computer games.

- It is good to + مصدر الفعل من المفيد أن

It is good to have lots of fruit and vegetables.

- feel like + اسم / v. + ing يريد أن

I feel like a cup of coffee.

- suggest + v. + ing يقترح

- change jobs يغير وظيفة

- have a holiday يأخذ أجازة

- go on holiday يذهب فى اجازة

- ill in hospital مريض فى المستشفى

- do activities يقوم بأنشطة

- do interesting things يقوم بأشياء شيقة

- go diving يمارس الغوص

- swim to the land يسبح إلى البر

- sleep on the beach ينام على الشاطئ

- ask for يطلب ( شيئاً )

- stay with يقيم مع

- in the library فى المكتبة

- arrive in يصل إلى ( مكان كبير )

- a ship to Alex سفينة متجهة إلى الاسكندرية

- speak to يتحدث إلى

- back in Egypt يعود إلى مصر

- has been to سبق له زيارة مكان

- work for يعمل لحساب

- with a broken arm بذراع مكسورة

- thank + شخص + for + شئ يشكر على

- tell + شخص + about يخبر عن

He came first / second / third / last in his class

- جاء الاول / الثانى / الثالث / الاخير على فصله

- go on a boat trip يقوم برحلة بالقارب

- score a goal يسجل هدفاً

- work hard يعمل بجد

- find a new job يجد وظيفة جديدة

- revise for the exam يراجع للامتحان

- this is good news هذه أخبار جيدة

- do well in the exam. يؤدى جيدا فى الامتحان

- Don't worry لا تقلق

- I have a headache عندى صداع

- have a baby / had a baby رُزق بطفل رضيع

- for a good price بثمن جيد

- for + مبلغ من المال

- by mistake بالخطأ

- Stay with يقيم مع

- move to ينتقل إلى

- by bus بالأتوبيس

- on the bus فى الأتوبيس

- during + اسم أثناء - in bed فى الفراش

- on holiday فى اجازة

- in hospital فى المستشفى - The time is five thirty = It's five thirty. – الساعة الخامسة و النصف

- talk to + شخص – يتكلم عن شئ

- talk about + شئ – يتكلم عن شئ

- with an unusual hobby – عنده هواية غير معتادة

- reason for – سبب لـ

- cause of – سبب

- I have a good idea. – عندى فكرة جيدة

- It's a good idea to + مصدر - انها فكرة جيدة

- like / enjoy + v. + ing – يحب – يستمتع

I like playing football. I enjoy reading stories.

- with -

I can see with my eyes. – بــ

He lives with his parents. – مع

The girl with long hair is my sister. – ذات

I live in a house with a swimming pool. – به

- equipment – معدات – ( تعامل معاملة المفرد )

- different from / to – مختلف عن

- important for the future – هام للمستقبل

- important to the people – هام للناس

- work as a project engineer. – يعمل كمهندس مشروع

- work for + شركة أو بلد – يعمل من أجل

- pay for – يدفع نقود

- continue with – يستمر فى

- look at – ينظر إلى

- look for – يبحث عن

- look after – يعتنى بـ

- look up – يبحث عن معنى كلمة فى القاموس

- on the website – على موقع الانترنت

Contrast التناقض

من ناحية أخرى - بالرغم من – لكن – بالرغم من - مع ذلك

However – Although – but – despite – on the other hand-

Although + فاعل + فعل , فاعل + فعل

- Although he is poor, he is happy.

- He is happy although he is poor.

Despite ( In spite of ) + اسم / v. + ing , فاعل + فعل

- Despite his poverty, he is happy.

من ناحية أخرى مع ذلك لكن

- لاحظ هنا استخدام but / However / On the other hand .

- He is poor but he is happy.

- He is poor. However, he is happy.

- He is poor. On the other hand, he is happy

Addition الاضافة

-as well – in addition – and – too-

- We had some cakes and we had some fruit.

- We had some cakes. In addition we had some fruit.

- We had some cakes. We had some fruit, too.

- We had some cakes. We had some fruit as well.

-Have to – has to – must + - مصدر الفعل

- You have to / must revise well to pass the exam.

- She has to / must help her aunt who is very old and poor.

- able to / can -

am / is / are + able to + مصدر الفعل

= can + مصدر الفعل

- I am able to swim well

= I can swim well

was / were + able to + مصدر الفعل

= could + مصدر الفعل

- I was able to answer the difficult questions.

= I could answer the difficult questions.

will be able to + مصدر الفعل

- Man will be able to live on the moon in the future.

- Intend to – ينوى أن

Intend to + مصدر الفعل

- We intend to build a factory next year.

- hope – يأمل

فاعل + hope + فاعل + will + مصدر الفعل

- My grandma is ill in hospital. I hope she will get better so

- ride a bike / a horse – يركب دراجة / حصان

- drive a car / a bus – يقود سيارة / أتوبيس

- fly in a plane – يقود طائرة

- get married – يتزوج

- have children – لديه أطفال

- move to a new town – ينتقل إلى مدينة جديدة

- go to university – يلتحق بالجامعة

- The police have / are / were ….. – رجال الشرطة ( جمع )

- at the back of the shop. – خلف المحل

- angry about + شئ – غاضب من شئ

- angry with + شخص – غاضب من شخص

- knock on the door – يطرق على الباب

- find out – يكتشف

- during + اسم – أثناء

I played tennis during the holiday.

- start + to + مصدر – يبدأ

- start + v. + ing

- stop + v. + ing / اسم – يتوقف

قواعد هامة

Prepositions حروف الجر

في in

1. تستخدم مع الأماكن والشهور وفصول السنة. { in Cairo – in June – in winter …….. }

{ in the morning – in the afternoon - in the evening }2. تستخدم مع فترات النهار .

on علي

1. تستخدم للدلالة علي المكان. { on the table – on the chair ………….

2. تستخدم مع أيام الأسبوع. { on Sunday – on Saturday ………. }

at في

1. تستخدم مع التوقيت. { at 7 o'clock – at 10 o'clock ……… }

2. تستخدم مع الأماكن.{ at home – at school ……… }

ملاحظات هامة

(1) تأتي am دائما مع الضمير I(2) تأتي is دائما مع الضمائر he – she – it(3) تأتي are دائما مع الضمائر you – we – they(4) لاحظ أن الماضي من am – is هو was(5) لاحظ أن الماضي من are هو were (6) تأتي do مع الضمائر I – you – we - they(7) تأتي does مع الضمائر he – she – it(8) لاحظ أن did هي الماضي من do – does(9) تأتي has مع الضمائر he – she - it(10) تأتي have مع الضمائر I – you – we – they(11) لاحظ أن had هي ماضي has – have(12) خد بالك أن {v.to have} يأتي بعدها تصريف ثالث(13) خد بالك أن الأفعال الناقصة يأتي بعدها مصدر(14) تستخدم الصفة المنتهية ب ing مع الفاعل الغير عاقل.

The story was very exciting.

(15) أما الصفهed + تستخدم مع الفاعل العاقل. I was excited

(16) أفعال يأتي بعدها ing suggest – busy – enjoy – like – go- mind

(17) لا حظوا التعبير عن عادة فى الماضى مصدر + used to + فاعل

Ali used to smoke but now he doesn’t .

أما عندما تكون العادة فى الحاضر نضع فعل be قبل used to وبعدها فعل نهايته ing

Ali is used to smoking. He still does.

So = that is why لذلك / because = as لأن:

نتيجة / that is why so سبب

سبب / as because نتيجة

Because of = Due to + V-ing / إسم

Rahma was tired so she didn’t go to my work.

Rahma was tired that is why she didn’t go to my


1- Write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on ''My favourite hobby '' You can answer these questions:

What's your favourite hobby? How long have you been doing it? Do you enjoy learning it in your spare time? Where do you practice it?

My Favourite Hobby الهواية المفضلة

My favourite hobby is reading. I have been doing this hobby for six years now.I enjoy it very much. I usually read at home. I read in my free time وقت الفراغ. I usually read in my room. I usually read with my friends. My teachers help me choose the books I read. Reading is very useful and it doesn't cost much money.

رحلة إلى أسوان A Journey to Aswan

Last week, I went on a journey to Aswan. I went with my friends. We went by train. We saw the High Dam and a lot of monuments آثار .We walked on the Nile. We came back in the evening. We were very happy.

A Journey to Alexandria

رحلة إلى الإسكندرية

Last year, I went to Alexandria in the summer holiday. I went with my friends. We went by bus. We swam in the sea. We played on the beach. We ate our lunch on the beach. We visited the Alexandria library. We were very happy. It was a wonderful holiday.

A Trip to the Zoo رحلة إلى حديقة الحيوان

Last week, I went on a trip to the zoo. I went with my classmates. We went by bus. We saw a lot of animals in the cages أقفاص. We played in the gardens. We had our lunch and ate ice-cream. We came back in the evening. We were very happy.

A Visit to Cairo زيارة إلى القاهرة

Last Friday, I went on a trip to Cairo. I went with my friends. We went by bus. We visited the Pyramids and the Zoo. We spoke with the tourists. We visited the Egyptian museum and saw a lot of mummies. It was a very good trip and we were very happy. We came back in the evening.

A Visit to a model farmزيارة إلى مزرعة نموذجبة

Last year, I visited a model farm in Sinai. I went by bus. I went with my friends. We saw farmers growing plants and keeping animals. We saw a lot of machines which farmers use to irrigate and plough the land. We spent five hours there. We came back in the evening. We were very happy.

Reading القراءة

I like reading very much. Reading is very important. I like to read English books. I usually read in the evening. Sometimes I go to the school library to read in the morning. I think reading is very useful because it gives us a lot of information about people and other countries.

Your Favourite Sport الرياضة المفضلة

My favourite sport is football. I like it very much. I also like to watch football matches on TV. I play it in school and in the club. It is very useful because it keeps me healthy, I enjoy playing football with my friends in the evening. We won a lot of matches.

Your Favourite Subject المادة المفضلة

My favourite subject is English. I like it very much because it is

interesting. I have been studying English for five years now. English is very important because it is the most widely spoken language in the world. I like to read English books and magazines in my free time. I need to learn it to get a place at secondary school and university.

A Day in Your Life يوم فى حياتك

I usually get up at six o'clock in the morning. I wash and pray. I wear my clothes and go to school at eight. When I come back I have my lunch. In the evening, I do my homework and watch TV. At eight, I study my lessons for the next day. I go to bed at ten o'clock.

My School مدرستك

My school isn't very big. It has got ten classes. I like my school very much. My classmates are great fun and my teachers are very nice and helpful. It has got a big playground where we play football and basketball. It has a wonderful library where I read a lot of books.

An Accident حادثة

Yesterday, while I was going to school, I saw an accident. A boy was crossing the street when a fast car hit him. I telephoned the police and helped the boy. The ambulance came and took the boy to the hospital. The doctors said he will be good and he will leave the hospital in two days.

Soldiers الجنود

Soldiers are those brave شجاع people who hold guns to keep us safe. Those who are ready to give their lives to save others. الذين مستعدين للتضحية بحياتهم من أجل الآخرينThey don't sleep nights to defend يدافع our country against ضد enemies.الأعداء Soldiers wear uniforms ذى رسمى they walk around the streets day and night to catch thieves and bad people. We should be proud of them. We should help them to do their work.

How to keep healthy. كيف تحافظ على صحتك

To keep healthy, you should sleep enough at night. You should eat different food especially وخاصةًً fruit and vegetables. You should do exercise every day. Wash the food before you eat. Wash your hands before and after you eat. Brush your teeth before you sleep and after meals الوجبات . You should wash daily especially in summer.

English " The most important Language"

أهم اللغات " اللغة الإنجليزية"

I think English is the most important language in the world nowadays. Most people around the world speak it. It is the language of business, computer and the internet. People use it to communicate to each other even if حتى لو it isn't their mother tongue. Most information on the internet is in English. So, I need to learn it to be part of the IT world. Of course, good learners aren't afraid of making mistakes.

Helping People مساعدة الناس

One can't live alone. You always need others to help you do your every day jobs. So, you should help others in time of need. Helping people makes them love you and help you. In addition, you shouldn't expect them to thank you; it must be for Allah's sake. If you help people, all the people will be your friends.


No one can deny that the computer plays an important part in our life today. It is used by all people everywhere. In banks it is used to store information about people's money. It is used for helping students to study their lessons in schools. Doctors use it to examine their patients and give them medicines. I use a computer in my study and to make friends on the internet. It is very useful nowadays.

عناصر تكوين السؤال بأداة استفهام

?باقي الجملة + فعل رئيسي + فاعل + فعل مساعد + أداة استفهام

أدوات الاستفهام


من ( الفاعل والمفعول العاقل )

How long

ما طول المدة


من ( للمفعول العاقل )

How long

كم طول ( المسافة


مللك من ( للملكية )

How often

كم مره


ما-ماذا ( للشيء )

How deep =what depth

ما عمق


أين ( للمكان )

How tall

ما طول ( الشخص )


متي ( للزمان )

How high= what height

كم الارتفاع


لماذا (للسبب )

How old = what age

كم العمر


أي ( للتخيير)

How wide = what width

ما عرض



How heavy =what weight

ما وزن

How many

كم العدد

How fast

ما سرعة

How much

كم الكميه \ الثمن

How far

ما بعد (المسافة)

لاحظ أنه إذا احتوت الجمله علي (once – twice) فلابد أن نسأل بـ How often

- إذا وجدت فى الجملة فعل ناقص تقدم الفعل الناقص على الفعل مثل تصريفات فعل Be والأفعال الناقصة هى :

Can – could –shall –should –will – would –may –might –must – have to – has to

عناصر تكوين السؤال بفعل مساعد

? باقي الجملة + فعل رئيسي + فاعل + فعل مساعد

1) إذا كان الفعل الأساسى {V.to be} فان الفعل المساعد يكون فعل BE كما هو

2) إذا كان فى الجملة فعل ناقص مثل can / would يكون الفعل المساعد هو الفعل الناقص

3) إذا كانت الجملة فى مضارع تام أو ماضى تام يكون الفعل المساعد هو have / has /had 4) إذا كانت الجملة مضارع بسيط يكون الفعل المساعد do / does

5) إذا كانت الجملة ماضى بسيط يكون الفعل المساعد did


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